Hi and thanks for the interesting info. I have come across this before, and it does seem like a very interesting supplement. That said, I am always really cautious with taking supplements (I like to do everything the natural way), so I only (for now at least) take the supplements that I deem to be necessary. On that note, its interesting that some of the longevity persons like Bryan Johnsen take 100+ supplement s a day. One way of getting Taurine (for vegetarians) is nuts, legumes, seaweed and eggs :)
Hi and thanks for the interesting info. I have come across this before, and it does seem like a very interesting supplement. That said, I am always really cautious with taking supplements (I like to do everything the natural way), so I only (for now at least) take the supplements that I deem to be necessary. On that note, its interesting that some of the longevity persons like Bryan Johnsen take 100+ supplement s a day. One way of getting Taurine (for vegetarians) is nuts, legumes, seaweed and eggs :)