Thank you for posting on this topic. I have a firm belief that these "drugs" can be used in sports, training, recovery protocols, sports psychology, and much more in the future. None of these should be used as an "Esacpe" but as an enhancement. From what I have heard, microdosing LSD gives one a hieghtened awareness in motor skills. When combined with the evidecne of the default mode network, this makes sense. Placebo or not, that is what many athletes strive for...flow state.

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You would enjoy Tim Ferris' take on using psychedelics as a performance enhancement.

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Thanks! I have actually followed this from just about every angle starting around 2015 when Tim first discussed on his pod cast. I have been trying to keep up with the data, but since my clinical is more focus on MSK injuries, pain, chronic pain, and preformance, I have mainly kept up with only those portions of it. Looking forward to learning more! Great post

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I don’t think that it is new in sports overall. However, I believe that we have more information about the effects they can have as an alternative form of treatment and athletes are exploring more.

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I do too, I think we are still early in getting to the understanding of the effects. Much more to explore!

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