Dr Lyon is a function medicine physician specialising in muscle centric medicine , this concept of medicine focus on the largest organ in the body- skeletal muscle as the key to longevity.
Her ground-breaking concepts eliminate unwanted body fat and build muscle, allowing for continued metabolism boosts and long-term wellness. The key is to eat the right kinds of protein, and enough of them, at each meal. This stimulates the body’s natural muscle-building process, called “muscle protein synthesis”.
Dr. Lyon also promotes exercise as another way to stimulate muscle protein synthesis. More than just physical activity, adults need muscle-targeting exercises to ensure long-term health and decreased risk of chronic disease.
This episode will inspire you to move your body, lift some heavy weights and eat more protein. What you thought you knew about muscle is nothing compared to what you will learn in this episode.
In the episode we go over:
1. Muscle being the The organ of longevity
2. Why you should focus on building muscle instead of focusing on losing fat
3. The more muscle you have, the more likely you are to live
4. The amount of protein we need to stimulate muscle protein synthesis
5. BCAA's - spotlight focus on Leucine.
5. Women and muscle gain
6. Why red meat is the most important food for everybody
7. How to include more protein into your diet
8. Muscle mass and cognitive function.
Find Gabrielle here: https://bit.ly/3sxdHcp
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